The Wireless and Optical Communication Conference (WOCC) is a major annual event for telecommunications and optical professionals in the U.S. and the Asia-Pacific regions in the past two decades. The WOCC 2015 provides an excellent forum for presenting new research results, emerging technologies, industrial advancements, and innovative research ideas among academic and industrial professionals. The theme of WOCC 2015 is "Connecting the Big Crowd: Communication Network and Big Data in the Era of Internet of Things and 5G", highlighting the convergence and integration of mobile communications, Internet, and big data processing in realizing diverse applications of Internet of Things. The paper submission can be conducted via We invite submissions in the following symposia.
Wireless Symposium
- PHY/MAC technologies for 5G
- Cross-layer design and radio resource management
- Multi-cell cooperation and interference management
- Mobile Ad-hoc and wireless sensor networks
- Small cell and heterogeneous networks
- Convergence of fixed and mobile communication systems
- Cognitive radios and networks
- Green communications and networking
- Ubiquitous mobile computing, mobile cloud
- Vehicular communication networks
- Wireless body area networks
- Emerging mobile applications and services
- Cloud radio access networks
- MIMO technologies
Networks Symposium
- Future Internet and next-generation network
- Internet of Things
- Network virtualization and services
- Convergent network architectures
- Migration to NGN and mobile broadband
- Hybrid wireless-optical networks
- Network planning and optimization
- Provisioning, monitoring, and management of IP services
- Routing issues and technologies
- Network coding and application
- Overlay networks and P2P networking
- Social networking and computing
- Network Security
- Network Steganography and Steganalysis
- Cloud computing
- Software-defined networks
- Data center networks
- Information-centric networks
- Cloud radio access networks
Optical Symposium
- Optical interconnection
- Optical network applications and services
- High-speed optical transmission
- Advanced optical modulation and detection schemes
- Optical fiber subsystems and access networks
- Optical fiber sensor devices and networks
- Advanced optical components and modules
- Fibers and fiber devices/amplifiers/lasers
- Microwave photonics, silicon photonics
- Waveguide devices and planar lightwave circuits
- Nano-photonics and Micro/Nano Optics
- Quantum and nonlinear optics
- Visible light communication
- Radio over fiber and front haul networks
Big Data Symposium
- Big data models and algorithms
- Big data and multimedia search and mining
- Big data visualization and representation
- Semantic/context aware multimedia representation and processing
- Multimodal and soft/hard data fusion
- Big data and multimedia service architectures
- Interactive platforms for data access and understanding
- Cloud based big data and multimedia computing and communications
- Big data analytics in social media
- Big data and the Internet of Things
- Bioinformatics
- Big data applications in healthcare, finance, business, education etc.
- Big data security and privacy
- Business opportunities and models for big data
Important Dates
- Full paper submission due: 5/15/2015
- Notification of acceptance due:
6/12/2015 6/19/2015
- Final paper submission due: 8/21/2015
WOCC 2015 Conference Proceedings and will be indexed in IEEE Xplore® and EI Compendex.
To be eligible for publication in IEEE Xplore®, an author of an accepted paper is required to register for the conference at the full or limited (member or non-member) rate and the paper must be presented by an author or a qualified representative.